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Keeping Well Water Pure During Times of Low Rainfall

15 Oct

Maryland has endured dwindling amounts of precipitation this year, which has led to dipping ground water levels, and a rise in well water impurities, plus an increased necessity for water purification systems. Maryland citizens who draw their drinking water from a ground well, would do well to talk with a plumber who is knowledgeable home water purification systems

Pollutant levels increase as water levels plummet since the same levels of pollutants are found in a smaller quantity of water, which means their concentration will rise. Impurities whose concentration in well water regularly increase in drought conditions include “arsenic and chromium 6, as well as residuals of pesticides, herbicides and other man-made contaminants. Additionally, as water levels drop, sulfur odors and iron levels increase .

There are a variety of types of home water treatment systems, and the type you should have is based on what impurities are found in the well water. If you live in Baltimore City or County or adjoining counties, you could call up A-1 Plumbing of Baltimore;. A-1 Plumbing of Baltimore has a personal interest in home water purification use. After checking out different water purification setups, Byron Graham, the director of A-1 Plumbing of Baltimore made a decision to go with easywater. Easy Water sells a sulfur and iron guard filter which includes a toxin shield that is excellent for people with dropping well water. Easy Water also offers a superior reverse osmosis filtration system